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COVID-19 Effects on Asthma patients-What you need to know

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Are you an asthma patient or know someone with an asthma problem? Are asthma patients more prone to catch coronavirus? There are plenty of assumptions and misconceptions ever since the pandemic has hit our lives. We today live in fear of what else or how worse this pandemic could turn out to be! With coronavirus vaccines coming out do we have a ray of hope or is it a blessing in disguise?

As we have been hearing a lot about covid-19 symptoms and one of the most common symptoms is shortness of breath. It may be especially alarming for people living with asthma. The two conditions share some of the same warning signs, so how can you tell what ailment is causing it?

 What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic condition that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 that vary from the typical asthma type include fever, fatigue, and loss of taste or smell.

I am an Asthma patient am I mostly to catch the virus?

For those withasthma, there is great fear that they will have a worse outcome or be more likely to get SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). It is essential to know that currently there is no proof of increased infection rates in those with asthma. And although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states those patients with moderate-severe asthma could be at greater risk for more severe disease, there are no published data to support this assumption at the moment. There have been many studies looking at the relationship between COVID-19 and asthma. Early information about COVID-19 advised that people with chronic lung disease, including asthma, may be at higher risk for COVID-19.

How Can I Avoid Getting COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Infections?

The precautionary measures you take to avoid the flu and other respiratory infections will also help protect you from COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for 20 to 30 seconds, and always after coughing or sneezing. If you don’t have access to running water, use an alcohol-based hand cleanser that is at least 60% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) or 70% isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol).
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Stay away from people who are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick.
  • Don’t share makeup, food, dishes, or eating utensils.
  • Wear a cloth face cover per new CDC guidelines.
  • Take your daily asthma medicines to keep your asthma under control.

Use Nebulizer during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Not only for asthma patients but it is good practice to avoid flu, cough during a pandemic. Using a nebulizer to treat conditions such as asthma is very valuable. During the coronavirus pandemic, however, its use comes with a variety of issues. When a person with asthma uses a nebulizer, no one else should be in the room during the treatment or for a few hours afterward. If others need to be in the room, they should wear a mask or other protective equipment.

How to care for asthma patients during a pandemic?

People with asthma are placed on controller medications to keep their asthma under control. In the current pandemic, the best thing a person with asthma can do (concerning asthma) is to get and keep their asthma under control. Stopping a controller medication will put the person at risk for developing an asthma exacerbation. In the current pandemic, treatment of an exacerbation will likely require going to the emergency department or urgent care, where the individual has a much higher risk of being exposed to someone with COVID-19. So, in a way, by continuing to keep asthma under control, the person with asthma is reducing their chance of exposure to COVID-19.

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