Are you willing to become CPR instructor? Or do you run a firm where you wish to train your co-workers or employees for CPR? If so, then we recommend you become a CPR instructor as it will be beneficial for you in so many ways! In case you want to become a CPR instructor we are here for you to walk through to the procedure or roadmap to become a CPR instructor.
Why to get Certification in CPR
The most in-demand certification course of today includes CPR certification course. There are variety of organizations out there which offer certification in CPR. It is because the government does not regulate CPR training programs, these programs have different training techniques and it varies from institution to every institution.
If you’re looking for something which is authentic and will help you sky rocket your career as CPR instructor then you must follow the CPR instruction given by the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, and the National Safety Council. The American Heart Association provides guidelines that a wide range of CPR training institute. We recommend you picking an institute that has real medical professionals doing the training, a solid record of employee acceptance and recognition, and an AHA-aligned curriculum. Do research before enrolling in for CPR course.
If you are looking to learn skill more than adult CPR, you will need different kinds of certifications for every skill you want to teach. It will also include infant and child CPR, basic First Aid, Basic Life Support classes, Blood borne Pathogens, and much more.
The eligibility criteria of every organization for accepting candidates into instructor CPR classes are different, and each instructor CPR program varies a bit depending on the institution. However, we suggest you to get CPR certified with the same organization you plan to take the CPR instructor class from.
How to register for an instructor course?
Every institute has a different procedure of registering a participant for the CPR course. These courses will take different forms depending on where you are taking the course. For instance, the American Heart Association actually offers a series of courses covering various aspects of CPR as well as teaching pedagogy, both hands-on and in the classroom. Every institute might have different entry requirements, as well; for example, the American Red Cross requires prospective participants to pass a pre-qualification exam before entering into CPR instructor training.
In general, the institute where you learn CPR will assume you are working independently, and might send you the materials you need to teach your prospective students. If you caught yourself in confusion, contact your institute to see what materials they provide at the end of the instruction process, or whether they can be bought at a discount or not.
Getting Evaluated
There are few institutes which will actually evaluate you before giving you a permanent or long-term certification for example; the American Heart Association will ask participants within approximately six months after completing their instructor training program. You will be evaluated teaching a class to make sure you have the appropriate skills to implement CPR knowledge, both in the classroom and during practical application sessions.
After evaluation you’ll be free to become a certified CPR instructor. There are tremendous opportunities for you to find work as a CPR instructor. Also, some people get certified as CPR instructors because the job they do require them to lead CPR training sessions at work. Other than that people work as EMT’s, firefighters, and in other positions where teaching CPR is part of the job.
But if you are someone who wishes to work independently as a CPR instructor, then there are various ways you can do so. Some people also can start freelance businesses providing CPR instruction in schools, corporations, and other organizations, as well as individuals who need to know CPR, such as new parents, personal trainers and more. Others work for training programs and schools, hospitals, nonprofits, and community organizations that provide free or low-cost CPR training programs to the public.
Going for recertified
Your CPR instructor certification is temporary and requires recertification. In some types of certifications, you are only eligible to recertify if you taught at least one class in CPR during the period where you held your certification, so be sure to do that. Most organizations, including the American Heart Association, require you to pass an exam to earn your recertification.
What you do not require
Even if you’re not a high school graduate you can still get certified in CPR and then to earn your instructor’s certification. However, different employers may have different requirements; these are more likely to require a high school degree or GED than a college degree for a CPR teaching position.
Not time consuming
CPR doesn’t require much time to get certified in CPR, it can take as little time as a few hours or as much as a weekend and depending on the type of CPR you’re learning and where you’re training. However, the instructor course may require several different classes over a period of weeks, and study periods also vary depending on the organization. Many organizations offers you to take at least some of the training online, although some may have hands-on components and for some organizations, you will be required to undergo observation in a teaching environment.
Not expensive
You don’t require a lot of money to become CPR instructor. However, the cost will range in the hundreds of dollars depending on the program you choose. But it’s a lot cheaper than college tuition. Some amount in terms of fees may also apply for getting recertified, and you will most likely have to pay for recertification training and tests.
It isn’t easy to get certified as CPR instructor, but we assure you it’s worthwhile experience, especially if it will help you get a new job or advance in the one you have. After getting certified as CPR instructor, you can opt for instructor training program that works for your schedule and budget, also which will your employer or prospective employer will accept.